2-in-1 SoftWash & Power Wash System
BONUS: Free Chemicals with the purchase of every Soft Wash system from Washco! Get a free 4L bottle of SoftWash Systems Green Wash, Terra Wash, Rain Fresh, and Restore.
Are you looking for an all in one metering (proportioner) soft wash system & pressure washer? Then this is the system for you. Our Softwashology line is made in the USA by SoftWash Systems, the inventor of the soft wash method and the global leader in soft wash equipment for over 30 years. SoftWash Systems is known for making the best quality equipment in the business, you can see and feel the quality difference.
You want high quality equipment to perform and be reliable for your business, we have the solutions in-stock and ready for you. Our huge stock allows our customers to get what they need when they need it without waiting for shipping from the USA, your time is money!
The Enchilada has everything you need, it is a two in one soft washing and power washing skid that allows you to do a little bit of everything from one compact, highly capable, and premium quality system. The system has an easy-to-use control panel with all of the system controls conveniently located at the one side of the system. It’s 2 rugged 2X thick walled 50-gallon tanks are the thickest in the industry and extremely durable with a lifetime warranty, the soap stinger allows you to draw from your jugs of soap, or any chemical mix you want. The pressure washer is a Honda GX390 Blent Driven, with 5 GPM, and 4000 PSI, self priming. Delivered by 2 x 200’ hose reels with top quality hoses.
This system is made from all aluminum and marine grade stainless steel parts. There isn’t a better 2 in 1 system in the industry!
INSTOCK - *SHIPPING NOTE: This product is shipped on a crate for safety, shipping will be calculated at checkout.
Free Pickup at our Langley warehouse.